
5 most relevant publications

Selected working papers and work in progress

Team formation in coordination games with fixed neighborhoods (with A. Caparros and M. Finus). Revise & Resubmit.  

Working Papers, Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper.

Conditional Payments for Democracy to Local Leaders managing Natural Resources in Rural Namibia (with I. Steinmanis and B. Vollan). 

Working papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck,

Information Acquisition and Sustainable Consumption: A Field Experiment (with L. Balafoutas and R. Epperson).

Ongoing manuscript.

Reducing strategic uncertainty increases group protection in collective risk social dilemmas (with I. Steinmanis, N. Struwe and J. Benda).

Ongoing manuscript

The economics of label credence goods (with R. Kerschbamer, F. Holzmeister and M. Walzl).

Ongoing manuscript. 

An intergenerational intervention on climate action (with A. Bronchal and N. Struwe).

Ongoing manuscript.


Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

Increasing benefits in one-time public goods does not promote cooperation. 2024 (with N. Struwe and J.M. Walker) Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 121 (41) e2410326121, 

On Fraud and Certification of Green Production. 2024 (with C. Arguedas). Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 1–24, 

No crowding out among those terminated from an ongoing PES program in Colombia. 2023 (with Moros, L., Pfaff, A., I. Steinmanis, Velez, M.A, and Vollan, B.) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. (previously circulated as "When only some ecopayments end: Field evidence from Colombia") 


Competition Among Public Good Providers for Donor Rewards. 2022 (with Struwe, N. and Walker, J.M.) Experimental Economics. Replication files:


The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation. 2022 (with McEvoy, D. and Haller, T.) Environmental and Resource Economics 81, 685–710 


Substitution of social sustainability concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic. 2022 (with Baier, A., Holzmeister, F., Jaber-Lopez, T., and Struwe, N.) Ecological Economics, 192,


Long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on social concerns. 2021 (with Baier, A., Holzmeister, F., Jaber-Lopez, T., and Struwe, N.) Frontiers in Psychology, 12,


Experimental evidence on sharing rules and additionality in transfer payments. 2021 (with Struwe, N. and Walker, J.M).  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 188, pp. 1221-1247.  Replication files:


Procedural fairness and nepotism among local traditional and democratic leaders in rural Namibia. 2020. (with Vollan, B., Steimanis, I., Petutschnig, F. and Prediger, S.) Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 15, eaay7651. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay7651  Winner of the Best Published Paper by the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists (2020-2021)


Social dilemmas with public and private insurance against losses. 2020 (with Dutcher, E.G. and Haller, T.) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 180, pp. 924-937.  


Diagnosing the role of the state for local collective action: types of action situations and policy instruments. 2019. (with Villamayor-Tomas S., Thiel, A., Zikos, D. and Amblard, L.) Environmental Science & Policy, 97, pp. 44-57. 


Provision of Environmental Public Goods: Unconditional and Conditional Donations from Outsiders. 2018 (with Haller, T. and Walker, J.M.) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 91, pp. 815-831. Accepted Manuscript and Supplementary Material


Co-management of protected areas to alleviate conservation conflicts: Experiences in Norway. 2017. (with Fedreheim, G.E.) International Journal of the Commons, 11, pp. 754-773. 


Externalities in appropriation: Responses to probabilistic losses. 2017. (with Haller, T., and Walker, J.M.) Experimental Economics, 20, pp.793–808.  


The opportunity cost of conservation with deterministic and probabilistic externalities. 2016. (with Lopez, M.C., and Walker, J.M.) Environmental and Resource Economics, 64, pp. 255-273.   Accepted Manuscript


The Tension Between Private Benefits and Degradation Externalities from Appropriation in the Commons. 2016. (with Haller, T., Lopez, M.C., and Walker, J.M.) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 125, 136-147.  Accepted Manuscript and Supplementary Material


Integrating simultaneous prosocial and antisocial behavior into theories of collective action. 2016. (with Basurto, X., Nenadovic, M., and Vollan, B.) Science Advances, 2, e1501220. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1501220. Open Access! Press article by The Washington Post, Audio material.


Exogenous Degradation in the Commons: Field Experimental Evidence. 2015. (with Lopez, M.C. and Villamayor-Tomas, S.) Ecological Economics, 120, pp. 430-439. Special issue Collective Action and the Allocation of Resources Common Use in Latin America.


Ecolabels, uncertified abatement, and the sustainability of natural resources: An evolutionary approach. 2015. (with Lozano, J.) Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Volume 25, pp 623-647. 


Voting for environmental donations: Experimental evidence from Majorca, Spain. 2012. (with Lopez, M.C and Coleman, E.) Ecological Economics, 75, pp. 52–60. 


A social-ecological approach to voluntary environmental initiatives: the case of nature-based tourism. 2011. Policy Sciences, 44, pp. 35-52. 


Can ecolabels survive in the long-run? The role of initial conditions. 2010. (with Lozano, J. and Rey-Maquieira, J.) Ecological Economics, 69, pp. 2525,2534. 


A dynamic approach to voluntary environmental contributions in tourism. 2009. (with Lozano, J. and Rey-Maquieira, J.) Ecological Economics, 69, pp. 104-114. 


The economic impacts of voluntary environmental performance of firms: a critical review. 2009. (with Rey-Maquieira, J. and Lozano, J.) Journal of Economic Surveys, 23, pp. 462-502. 


Economic Incentives of Tourism Firms to Undertake voluntary environmental action. 2009. (with Rey-Maquieira, J. and Lozano, J.) Tourism Management, 30, pp. 112-122. 


Rejuvenation strategies: A comparison of winter sport destinations in Alpine regions. 2010. (with Müller, S. and Peters, M.) Tourism, 58, pp. 19-36. ISSN: 1332-7461 


A critical review of voluntary environmental initiatives in tourism: policy implications for rejuvenation. 2009. (with Müller, S.) Tourism, 57, pp. 225-240. ISSN: 1332-7461 


La fiscalidad ecológica en el sector turístico. Un estudio de caso: La ecotasa balear. 2004. Revista Interdisciplinar de Gestión Ambiental, 72, pp. 37-50. ISSN: 1575-1317



Book Chapters


Why do outsiders make donations to public good providers? (with Struwe, N. and  Bogner, K) Accepted - Book chapter in Behavioral Economics and the Environment, Routledge. (Peer Reviewed Chapter)


Common-pool Resource Appropriation and Conservation: Lessons from Experimental Economics. 2019. (with James M. Walker) In B. Hudson, J. Rosenbloom, and D. Cole, eds., Routledge Handbook of the Study of the Commons. Routledge. (Peer Reviewed Chapter) Preprint Version


Marine Conservation as Complex Cooperative and Competitive Human Interactions. 2017. (with Basurto, X., Nenadovic, M., and Vollan, B.) In P.S. Levin and M.R. Poe, eds., Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean. Elsevier.  (Peer Reviewed Chapter)


An experimental study for environmental fundraising in Majorca, Spain. 2011. (with López, M.C. and Coleman, E.) In R.M. Isaac and D. A. Norton, eds., Experiments on Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability. Research in Experimental Economics Volume 14, 181–211. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. (Peer Reviewed Chapter)


Do tourism firms have economic incentives to undertake voluntary environmental initiatives? 2009. (with Lozano, J. and Rey-Maquieira, J.) In (Eds.) Matias, Álvaro; Nijkamp, Peter; Sarmento, Manuela, Advances in Tourism Economics: New Developments, Springer-Verlag, pp. 235-255 (Peer Reviewed Chapter).


The economic consequences from tourism firms’ environmental action: A survey. 2008. (with Juaneda Sampol, C.N.) In (Eds.) Christopher Kronenberg, Sabine Müller, Mike Peters, Birgit Pikkemaat and Klaus Weiermair, Change Management in Tourism: From 'Old' to 'New' Tourism, Erich Schmidt-Verlag, pp. 235-246. (Invited chapter).




Guía metodológica para el análisis económico de la implementación de la Directiva Marco del Agua en las Islas Baleares. 2011. (with Tirado, D.) Libros del Instituto Balear de Economía. ISBN: 978-84-615-0741-2


An economic and institutional app roach to the use of natural common-pool resources by the tourism industry. 2010. (with Lozano, J. and Rey-Maquieira, J.) Edicions UIB, Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-8384-156-3.


Working Papers 


Competition Among Public Good Providers for Donor Rewards. (with Struwe, N. and Walker, J.M.) Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2021,


Team Formation in Coordination Games with Fixed Neighborhoods. (with Caparros, A., Buchenauer, P., and Finus, M. ) Working Papers,  Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2020-04,


Substitution of social concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic. (with Baier, A., Felix, H., Jaber-Lopez, T., and Struwe, N.) Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2020,

The role of non-binding pledges in social dilemmas with mitigation and adaptation. (with McEvoy and Haller, T.) Working Papers from Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2019,


Incentivizing public good provision through outsider transfers: experimental evidence on sharing rules and additionality requirements. (with Struwe, N. and Walker, J.M) Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2020, Supplementary Material Accepted at the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 


Provision of public goods: Unconditional and conditional donations from outsiders. (with Haller, T., and Walker, J.M) Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2016, Published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 


Externalities in appropriation: Responses to probabilistic losses. (with Haller, T., and Walker, J.M)  Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2014, Published in Experimental Economics. 


Setting one voluntary standard in a heterogeneous Europe - EMAS, corruption and stringency of environmental regulations. (with Borsky, S.).
Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2014,


To mitigate or to adapt? Collective action under asymmetries in vulnerability to losses. (with Dutcher, G. and Haller, T.). Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2014, Published in the Journal of Behavioral Economics & Organization. 


Incentives for Voluntary Practices, Fraud, and Certification. (with Arguedas, C.).Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2014,


Tensions between the resource damage and the private benefits of appropriation in the commons. (with Lopez, M. C. and Walker, J. M) .Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2013, Published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 


The opportunity costs of conservation with deterministic and probabilistic degradation externalities. (with Lopez, M. C. and Walker, J. M) Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2012, Published in Environmental and Resource Economics. 


Evolutionary success and failure of wildlife conservancy programs. (with Lozano J.) Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2012,


Does Water Scarcity Lead to Overuse? Evidence from Field Experiments. (with Lopez,M.C and Villamayor-Tomás, S.) Working paper W11–15. Bloomington: Indiana University, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, 2011.