
Press coverage of the paper "No crowding out among those terminated from an ongoing PES program in Colombia"

ORF Tirol (09.09.23)

Extra Journal (09.09.23)

Studium Austria (08.09.23) (09.09.23)


Press coverage of the paper "Long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on social concerns"

ORF (8.10.21) 

Krone (8.10.21)

Global Health News Wire (Blog) 

Medical Xpress (7.10.21)

Mirage News (7.10.21)

NewsWise (7.10.21) (12.10.21)


When self-interest is not in your best interest. Makademia, Forschung einfach geknackt. 

Press coverage of the paper "Procedural fairness and nepotism among local traditional and democratic leaders in rural Namibia."

 Nicht gewählt, aber trotzdem fair, Die Presse. 

Gut regieren ohne Wahl, Public relations office, University of Innsbruck. 

Ob gewählt oder nicht: Führungspersonen regieren gleich gut, Public relations office, University of Marburg 

Press coverage of the paper “Integrating Simultaneous Pro-social and Anti-social Behavior into Theories of Collective Action” in Science Advances.

How Protecting the Environment Changes Human Nature, The Washington Post, March 4, 2016.

Marine protected areas intensify both cooperation and competition: Friendly rivalry can boost effective conservation of marine resources, ScienceDaily, 4 March 2016.

Friendly rivalry, Resilience Aliance.

Marine Protected Areas and the Rise of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior, Mereconomics, March 17, 2016.

Fischer: Rivalen und Freunde zugleich,, March 4, 2016.


Audiovisual support of the paper “Integrating Simultaneous Pro-social and Anti-social Behavior into Theories of Collective Action” in Science Advances.

Marine protected areas intensify cooperation and competition among fishers


Press media: Interview publication "Can ecolabels survive in the long run?" in Ecological Economics.
Adobe Acrobat Document 392.6 KB
Press media: Interview Prize of Tourism Studies
Diario de Mallorca 2009.09.13.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 121.4 KB
Press media: Prize of Tourism Studies
Diario de Mallorca 2009.06.16.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 26.0 KB
Press media: Interview on certification and voluntary environmental action
Diari de Balears 2010.09.13.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 556.8 KB
Press media: PhD Thesis
Diario de Mallorca -2009.05.03.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 214.0 KB